Fuzheng Yang
- Now Principal Technical Professional, Halliburton Artificial Lift

Research Project
Investigations on Interface and Interphase Development in Polymer-Matrix Composite Materials
The index of refraction is an important property of optical fibers, since it directly affects the bandwidth and optical loss during information transmission. The refractive index is governed by the dopant concentration distribution across the fiber cross section, which is strongly influenced by the processing conditions. An understanding of the effects of process parameters on the dopant concentration profile evolution is important to design the drawing process for tailored refractive index and optical transmission characteristics. Although the heat and momentum transport in optical fiber drawing have been studied extensively, little has been reported in the open literature on dopant concentration and index of refraction profile development during processing. This paper presents a two-dimensional numerical analysis on the flow, heat and mass transfer phenomena involved in the drawing and cooling process of glass optical fibers using a finite difference approach based on primitive variables. The effects of several important parameters are investigated in terms of nondimensional groups, including: fiber draw speed, inert gas velocity, furnace dimensions, gas properties, and dopant properties on the flow, temperature and dopant concentration distribution.
- F. Yang and Pitchumani, "A Fractal Model for Intimate Contact Development During Thermoplastic Fusion Bonding," in Proceedings, 13th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, A. J. Vizzini, ed., pp. 1134-1146, 1998.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Molding Interlaminar Contact Evolution During Thermoplastic Composites Processing Using a Fractal Tow Surface Description," ANTEC Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, pp. 1316-1320.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Modeling of Interphase Formation on Unsized Fibers in Thermosetting Composites," in Proceedings of ASME Heat Transfer Division, ASME-HTD-366-3, 329-337, 2000.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Fractal Description of Interlaminar Contact Development During Thermoplastic Composites Processing," Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 20(7), 536-546, 2001.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "A Fractal Cantor Set based Description of Interlaminar Contact Evolution During Thermoplastic Composites Processing," Journal of Materials Science, 36(19), 4661-4671, 2001.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Kinetics of Interphase Formation in Thermosetting Composites," Paper Number 078 in Proceedings (CD-ROM) of 16th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Blacksburg, VA, September 2001.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "A Non-isothermal Healing Model for in-situ Processing of Thermoplastic Matrix Composites," in Proceedings of the Symposium on Polymer and Composite Materials Processing, ASME IMECE, New York, NY, November 2001.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Studies on Fiber/Matrix Interphase Development in Thermosetting Matrix Composites," in Proceedings of the 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 3, 153-158, September 2002.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Interlaminar Contact Development During Thermoplastic Fusion Bonding," Polymer Engineering and Science, 42(2), 424-438, 2002.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Healing of Thermoplastic Polymers at an Interface Under Nonisothermal Conditions," Macromolecules, 35(8), 3213-3224, 2002.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Nonisothermal Healing and Interlaminar Bond Strength Evolution During Thermoplastic Matrix Composites Processing," Polymer Composites, 24(2), 262-278, 2003.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "A Kinetics Model for Interphase Formation in Thermosetting-Matrix Composites," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 89(12), 3220-3236, 2003.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Influence of Interphase Material Property Gradients on the Micromechanics of Fibrous Thermosetting-Matrix Composites," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Composite Materials, 2003.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Processing-Interphase Relationships for the Curing of Thermosetting-Matrix Composites," in Proceedings of the SAMPE Technical Conference, Dayton OH, October 2003.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Effects of Interphase Formation on the Modulus and Strength of Fiber-reinforced Thermosetting-matrix Composites," Composites Science and Technology, 64(10-11), 1437-1452, 2004.
- V. Mishra, F. Yang, and R. Pitchumani, "Measurement and Prediction of Electrical Contact Resistance between Gas Diffusion Layers and Bipolar Plate for Applications to PEM Fuel Cells," ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 1(1), 2-9, 2004.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Characterization of the Interphase Formation Kinetics in Thermosetting-Matrix Composties," in Proceedings of the SAMPE 2004, Long Beach, CA, May 16-20, 2004.
- V. Mishra, F. Yang, and R. Pitchumani, "Electrical Contact Resistance Between Gas Diffusion Layers and Bipolar Plates in a PEM Fuel Cell," in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Rochester, NY, June 14-16, 2004.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "An Analytical Solution for Thermal Transport in Deep X-ray Lithography," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15(3), 474-484, 2005.
- V. Mishra, F. Yang, and R. Pitchumani, "Analysis and Design of PEM Fuel Cells," Journal of Power Sources, 141(1), 47-64, 2005.
- Q. Jiang, F. Yang, and R. Pitchumani, "Coating Thickness Variations in Optical Fiber Drawing Process," Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23(3), 1261-1272, 2005.
- F. Yang and R. Pitchumani, "Processing-Interphase-Property Relationships in Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Matrix Composties," Polymer Composites, 26(2), 193-208, 2005.
- A. Mawardi, F. Yang, and R. Pitchumani, "Optimization of the Operating Parameters of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell for Maximum Power Density," ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2(2), 121-135, 2005.
- F. Zhang, A. Mawardi, E. Santos, Jr., R. Pitchumani, and L.E.K. Achenie, "Examination of Load-Balancing Methods to Improve Efficiency of a Composite Materials Manufacturing Process Simulation Under Uncertainty using Distributed Computing," Future Generation Computer Systems, 22, 571-587, 2006.
- Y. Xiao, F. Yang, and R. Pitchumani, "A Generalized Analysis of Capillary Flows in Channels," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 298(2), 880-888, 2006.
- A Fractal Model for Intimate Contact Development During Thermoplastic Fusion Bonding
- Fractal Description of Interlaminar Contact Development During Thermoplastic Composites Processing
- Modeling of Interphase Formation on Unsized Fibers in Thermosetting Composites